Our mental and Emotional Well being.
Considering the State of things, you might be feeling...
When you read the headlines, you feel super anxious about where the world is headed and depressed about the future.
You feel oversaturated with upsetting news, and it all just makes you want to binge on Netflix and forget what's happening.
With deep-rooted global systems at work that don't serve people or the planet, you feel totally powerless and like change is impossible.
THINGS WON'T Get better if ALL OF US who care are struggling to cope.
We need future leaders!
Imagine you could Instead...

Despite CHAOS
Cultivate a level of inner peace that allows you to feel well in your body and mind, despite what's going on in the world.

Find a new way of operating so that you feel strong and steady, and can face global injustice and crisis with calm and focus.
Face Crisis
with courage

Begin to recognize the opportunities that exist for change, and the potential role you have to play it making it happen.
Be Inspired
By Possibility

Start feeling excited about the future and the role you have to play in creating positive change in the world.
Feel Ready
For the future
Join hundreds of young people from around the world who are overwhelmed by fear and hopelessness, and want to change their mental state to one of peace, focus, courage and inspiration.
for everyone who cares about the future, ABOUT people, AND the planet to become inspired, hopeful, and ready for change.
✔ 4 step framework to develop a Mindset for Change
✔ Exclusive access to the Create Change community
✔ Monthly Q&As with Shannen Gabrielle
✔ The "Shift Your Mindset" workbook
✔ Various meditations to develop a mindset for change
What's Inside the mini-course

It is essential to have practices and habits to help you feel grounded, calm, and focused so you relate positively to yourself and the world around you. This week is all about simple ways to ground yourself, to feel connected to others and the planet.
In this module we will cover:
✔ Starting a mindfulness practice
✔ Increasing positivity and reducing negativity
✔ Strategies to regulate your emotions
✔ Integrating gratitude as part of your practice

Learn to face challenges in order to deal with the negative emotions they elicit, rather than avoid them. Develop courage so that instead of avoiding problems you can focus on solutions, and reduce distress as a result.
In this module we will cover:
✔ Strategies to stop avoiding challenges
✔ How to reduce anticipation, a main cause of your suffering
✔ How to radically accept unwanted challenges
✔ Reframing suffering so you can benefit from it

We can shift our view of our place in the world so that we feel less alone, more powerful, and become aware of the opportunities for positive change. Get inspired as you realize your ability to make a difference, and the possibility of a more positive future.
In this module we will cover:
✔ How to expand your sense of self so you feel connected
✔ A new perspective on power and how to attain it
✔ Why we should focus on opportunity instead of problems
✔ Developing a vision for the future to inspire you
BE inspired

Learn how to take steps towards creating change in the world. Learn how to connect with your wider community, and make decisions on a daily basis that honour the person you hope to become.
In this module we will cover:
✔ Getting out of your comfort zone
✔ Having conversations that are key to creating change
✔ Keys to building community and its role in creating change
✔ Using your future self to inspire your day-to-day decisions and actions
Let's Talk
So you have Everything you need to succeed.
Exclusive access to the Create Change community, where interesting people from ALL over the world are working to make a difference in all kind of ways.
Monthly Q&As with Shannen Gabrielle so you can support and get clarity on how to use the framework to help you make positive long-term changes.
A "Shift Your Mindset" workbook to help you with reflection and committing to action for positive growth.
A variety of short meditations to help you to develop a mindset for change
Does this sound like YOU?
You feel anxious
when you read the headlines about all of the environmental and human disasters taking place in the world.
You are frustrated
with everyone who is operating like everything is just fine, and want you to do the same.
You distract yourself
with scrolling on social media, binging shows on Netflix or online shopping because you feel overwhelmed.
You're worried about the future
and don't know how to plan for a career or a future family with everything being so uncertain.
You feel depressed
when you look at the greed and corruption that is creating rampant inequality and destroying the planet.
You feel powerless
to change anything since you are just one person, and the structures in place ruining everything are so powerful.
Even though we can't control everything that happens in the world, we can control how we deal with it.
we will be better able to create change in the world if we are in a good MENTAL space.
✔ 4 step framework to develop a Mindset for Change
✔ Exclusive access to the Create Change community
✔ Monthly Q&As with Shannen Gabrielle
✔ The "Shift Your Mindset" workbook
✔ A variety of meditations to develop a mindset for change
Money Back Guarantee
This program is for you if you are authentically interested in learning the skills to develop a new mindset when it comes to environmental and social crises and injustice.
Your satisfaction with our program is important to us. We have a 30-day money-back guarantee. We know how much of a game-changer the Mindset for Change approach, tools, and program can be for you if you do the work.
Here's how Mindset for change works
1. 4 weeks of growth
Over the course of 4 weeks, you will gain access to a new step released weekly.
2. Small steps = Real change
Each module's content offers simple steps and strategies that will move you towards relating to the world's most alarming issues differently.
3. Micro-learning: designed to fit your schedule
You can learn at your own pace by setting aside 30 minutes per week, with 20 minutes of lessons and a little time for reflection.
4. Better Together
We incorporate community learning for maximum results. All our students have the opportunity to connect in our wonderful online community to support, witness and share their emotions about all that is going on.

With so much at stake, I learned that having the right mindset is Essential if we want to tackle the issues that we care most about.
Hey there!
I’m an international development professional, a non-profit leader, a social entrepreneur and certified youth and mindset coach.
Throughout my career I have made a meaningful difference in the lives of tens of thousands of people living in extreme poverty, and have helped young people all over the world to change their mindset, and start leading change.
I used to struggle with my mental well-being BIG TIME. I was in charge of an organization that was supporting thousands of children and young women with life-changing education programs- where education could mean the difference between child marriage or eventually going to university.
I would wake up in the night, feeling incredibly anxious, knowing my success or failure would affect so many lives. Despite the good I was doing, I couldn't stop focusing on all of the people I wasn't able to reach. My mental health was in a terrible state and I began to burn out.
I had to learn a different way of relating to the world if I was going to be able to continue leading change. After years of research, practice, and application, I was able to change the way I deal with suffering, with injustice, with corruption and greed.
What I learned to help me shift my mindset is what 'Mindset for Change' is based on, which has allowed me to increase my reach in addressing extreme poverty, and confront the climate and ecological crisis we face- all of this while feeling excited about the role I have to play and proud of the positive impact my life can have.
You can get this life changing training that will transform your anxiety into calm, your overwhelm into inspiration, your dread into hope, and your fears into courage.
The world needs people who care to take a stand.
Your mindset is a great place to start.

When you walk away from 'Mindset for Change' you will LEARN how to...
Gain control over your thoughts
and consequently the negative emotions that drain you, so you feel more calm and can focus on living positively.
Develop emotional resilliancy
so you are able to handle the stress that comes from the crises at hand, and direct your energy towards positive action.

BECOME inspired by possibilITY
as your perspective shifts from what you don't have control over, to the difference you and millions of others can make if we try.
What day and time do I need to be available to participate?The program is designed to be flexible and fit in your busy schedule. Each week, a new module is released. We recommend that you try to keep up with each step so you are working alongside other students, but you can also go at your own pace. Classes are pre-recorded so you can watch them on your own time. All live events are recorded so if you can't make them, you can watch them afterward.
How many hours every week will I be scheduling in to reach my goals as a leader?Become a Change Leader is a self-paced implementation program, meaning you can work as many or as little hours as your schedule allows. A good rule of thumb would be an hour per week watching the lessons, and another 2 putting them into action for about 8 weeks. But here’s the thing… As you’ll find, Become a Change Leader is designed for rapid implementation and sustainable momentum. Meaning, as you stack up the wins and start seeing the results of your action each week… You’ll WANT to keep going. You’ll WANT to speed through Become a Change Leader as quickly as you can. You’ll WANT to work alongside the community of other young people who are working to achieve the same growth and impact that you are. You'll WANT to keeping taking action as you realize that you are capable of having an real impact. Because as you’ll soon see, becoming a leader of change and having an impact is something you will want to make time for when you have the simple steps laid out before you that it makes it so easy, and when you start to see the amazing power you hold to make the world a better place.
Is this for beginners? What if I've never done anything like this before?Become a Change Leader is a foundational program. It’s for teens and young adults who are just getting started with their leadership journeys AS WELL as seasoned leaders who are looking to improve their leadership and expand their team and/or impact. If you have zero leadership experience or don't even know what cause you want to stand for right now — don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Included in the program is a module to help clarify your vision, which is helpful for those who don't know the cause they want to get started with, as well as to help existing leaders to become extra clear on their impact goals so they know exactly where they should be spending their time and energy. So, unless you already feel that you have your leadership nailed down, and are having the impact that you always dreamed of, then Become a Change Leader will be a foundational step in your leadership journey.
I really want to do this - but I’m afraid I’ll get overwhelmed and won't have what it takes.Firstly, let's address “overwhelm”. Overwhelm happens when you don’t have an actionable, easy to follow, proven guide to follow. I created Become a Change Leader to combat overwhelm, because the steps to take are so clear and simple to follow to ensure you don't get overwhelmed. Not everything is thrown at you at once- rather you work on one simple step each week to get you closer to leading and having an impact. You’re going to follow the super detailed, step-by-step implementation lessons, and gradually become an inspiring leader using tools and strategies that work. As long as you are willing to do the work and follow the steps, I promise to keep you on track and free from overwhelm.
I’ve seen leadership courses for $1,000 or even $2,000. Is Become a Change Leader a "lighter" version of those?"Nope. I’ve seen them too. And it makes no sense to me. When programs are so expensive, they are out of reach for most young people, at a time when the world truly needs everyone to get involved and to stand up. That’s why with Become a Change Leader, I want to give you a comprehensive program so you have EVERYTHING you need to allow you to actually take action and lead, not just learn about it but do it. If anything, Become a Change Leader is a more comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy to follow implementation program than the ones that sell for 3-5X the price.
What's the return policy?I’m 100% committed to Become a Change Leader offering you the support, guidance and community that you need to take action in real life, and as you do to grow your confidence, build your skills, and realize the difference you can make in the world. If you are committed to actually taking steps in the real world (don't worry... I will be right by your side as you get started!), based on the simple step-by-step process provided for you — then I promise you, you WILL succeed in Become a Change Leader. And if you can show me that you’ve gone through the steps, did the work, and still don’t feel that you have the foundation in place you need to take action for the causes you are passionate about, then I insist that you reach out within 60 days to get 100% of your investment back. For more information, please refer to our return policy here.
What if I don’t know what cause I want to lead change for?No worries, this is all part of the program! As long as you are looking to grow your confidence, develop relevant skills, learn how to take action, get experience leading, and become part of a community of young people who want to make a difference, this program is for you. Included in the program is a module to help clarify your vision, where we go into detail about selecting the cause you want to get started with. I say 'get started with', because the fantastic thing about this program is the steps you learn can be applied to every single cause you want to lead change for throughout your life.
Do I need to build a team myself in order for this program to be useful?The program is designed to help you become an inspiring leader, so we do recommend building a team that you can actually lead. That being said, if you decide that you don't want to build a team, the program will absolutely still be useful, and most of the lessons in each module are applicable even if you decided to simply volunteer with an existing organization.
Do I have a limited amount of time to access this program?You have lifetime access! All of the Become a Change Leader is available via the Mighty Networks App, so you have access to the content whenever, wherever.