Are you someone who cares deeply about injustice?
More Importantly
Do you wish you could do something about it?

Did you know that the vast majority of Generation Z are very concerned about global issues such as climate change, racial justice, and inequality. So in case you didn't know, you are not alone.
Additionally, a number of polls have shown that Gen Zers believe that they have the power to impact the world. Maybe you are one of them.
However, how many actually know what to do to actually get started, to make a difference in a way that fits with their existing responsibilities and busy schedules?
If you are a young person who cares about many social and environmental issues, and are interested in having an impact...
But first,
You're Probably Asking Yourself
(because c'mon, it's a reasonable question)
As Just One Person, How do I Get Up One Day and Start Changing Things?

I have been in the business of changing things for my entire adult life, tackling big issues like extreme poverty and gender inequality.
In that time, I've helped tens of thousands of people to climb out of poverty, and over a thousand young people to become powerful versions of themselves, and actually make a meaningful impact in the world.
I know exactly how it feels to have the urge to make the world a better place, and the frustration that comes along with not knowing how- and I know how intensely rewarding and worth it it is to breakthrough and actually have a tangible impact.

(Hint: get these things in order and you will be unstoppable!)
It doesn't matter which ISSUES you are passionate about

Climate change
Racial injustice
Income inequality
Gender equality
Child protection
Global poverty
Animal welfare
Or any other cause...
The steps to leading change are effectively the same.

The BIGGEST THING I've Learned in 15 years of working with people who want to create Change:
Have you been there?
Do You Feel Like you Have SomethiNG Positive To Contribute, but just don't know how?
What to do to start realizing your potential now!
PROBLEM: You feel overwhelmed by all of the issues in the world, even anxious, but feel powerless to do anything about it.
You Feel Powerless
SOLUTION: Get a mentor who has been there, who can share with you how to shift your mindset, so you are able to become a powerful changemaker.
You Believe you are Too Young
PROBLEM: You want to have an impact, but you are worried that you are too you, since you don't have a clue how to get started.
SOLUTION: Get access to a step-by-step framework that will guide you through the A-Z of how to start making a tangible difference in a matter of weeks.
PROBLEM: You want to have an impact, but you are worried that with your existing commitments, there just isn't enough time in the day.
You Feel You Don't Have Time
SOLUTION: Get guidance to develop a vision, goals and a plan, so making a difference actually makes sense for your current schedule.
You Lack Confidence
PROBLEM: You lack the confidence to start something new, and you worry people will judge you if you start to share your ideas about how the world needs to change.
SOLUTION: Get support to address your mindset and self-limiting beliefs, so you are able to take action you want, and grow your confidence.
You're Not Sure if You're A Leader
PROBLEM: You have never thought of yourself as a leader, even though you dream of being one, and are worreid people wouldn't take you seriously.
SOLUTION: Learn simple actions to take, and secret leadership strategies so your peers and community realize you are a leader who can inspire them.

The good news?
A ProveN Process that can transform You Into A n Inspiring Leader in a matter of weeks
If you’ve made it this far, then you obviously care enough about yourself and the world to discover what you might actually be capable, of, and the impact that you can potentially have to make the world a better place.
By following this 6 step framework, you will have the power to

✓ Shift out of a negative mindset, and focus on what is possible instead of feeling overwhelmed by challenges.
✓ Confidently take action whenever you want, instead of struggling with self-doubt, worrying about what others will think, and sousing on the possibility of failing.
✓ Build and lead a team and community from the networks you didn’t even realise you have to support you.
✓ Don’t just lead people- inspire them, by using effective leadership strategies.
✓ Impact any cause you are passionate about, because you have the confidence, the know how, and the leadership skills to stand up and take action.
Yes, these outcomes are totally within reach for you (even if you have never done anything like this before)… but they DO depend on you taking action.
This is why I’m so excited to share with you my secret weapon that has helped hundreds of young people (just like you!) to transform into a confident, effective and inspiring leader who is having an impact on the world around them, (most of them are high school and university students with zero previous experience).
If this sounds like what you need, then let me introduce you to my step-by-step change making opportunity…

Become a Change Leader
in 60 days
A Program for Generation Z
My proven system what GUARANTEES that you will transform into a more powerful versions of yourself, and will show you how to have an impact on any cause you are passionate about- skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
After more than a decade of empowering youth to positively impact the world around them, I’ve developed a streamlined process for young people who are:
✓ Worried about many social and environmental injustices and long for a better world but have no idea how to contribute as just one person, or how to make your change making idea a reality.
✓ Struggling with confidence, doubting their abilities to take action, and worrying about how others will judge them if they do.
✓ Feeling totally overwhelmed, with all of the academic, extra curricular, social and family responsibilities they have, and have no idea how to add one more thing to their plate.
✓ Stuck thinking leadership is not for them, even though the idea of being someone who inspires change in people around them is exciting.
✓ Would love to do something meaningful, but have never gotten involved with a cause before and have no idea what they could possibly contribute.
The Result Is
An easy to follow framework that gives you a crystal clear, can’t fail, roadmap for realising the potential you have to be a more powerful version of yourself that is capable of leading change.
Here's How It All Breaks Down:
The ‘Become a Change Leader’ Program will teach you a 6 step proven process that you can implement in less than 6 weeks, but can serve you for the rest of your life.
This is where we start: challenging what you believe is possible, because you will never be able to have an impact if you don’t believe you can.
How you feel about yourself will greatly impact everything you do in life, (and more importantly, what you don’t do). We’ll dive deep to help you to gain awareness on the ways your thinking limits what is possible for you and for the world around you.
By the time you’re finished with Step 1, you’ll be able to take control of the self-limiting beliefs and negative thinking that stop you from being your most powerful self.

Build Community
In the first two steps you will have done all of the mental preparation so that by Step 3 you are finally ready to start taking action, and that means engaging others to get involved in the change making work you have set out to achieve.
Whether you want to build a team of peers to work with, or engage an existing community, this step will provide you with a ton of ideas and strategies of how to engage others. After all, you can’t be a leader if you have no one to lead.
Once you have completed Step 3, you will be clear on who you want to work with and how, and you’ll know exactly what you need to do to get them on board.

Prepare to Share
High Five! At this point you have everything mapped out, you have a community behind you, you are clear on what you want to achieve and you feel confident that you can make it happen.
The last step before taking action is to ensure that you are fully prepared to share your message so you are certain to be successful in achieving your goals and impact you want to have. As a bonus, we will show you how to avoid the common pitfalls that will turn people off from becoming your supporters.
After step 5, you will know how to tell impactful stories, how to communicate with a variety of audiences, and you will be 100% ready to share your message with the world.

Get Clear
Before you can dive in and start making a difference, you need to be clear on what kind of impact you are hoping to have. In this step we help you to get incredibly clear on the cause you want to get behind, the world you want to do, and the difference you hope to make.
This step is all about getting clear so you can define your vision, mission and goals, since when you know what exactly you are trying to achieve, there is a much stronger likelihood of being successful.
By the end of Step 2, you will start feeling ready to take action because you will be clear on your purpose, and exactly how you are going to change the world.
Create aPlan
Armed with a community who is ready to support your vision, you will now start making some decisions about the details of how you are going to achieve your goals, and put it into a concrete plan that won’t leave you having to ‘guess and stress’.
This step will provide you WITH A TON of ideas and case studies of what youth have done in the past, so you will have an abundance of options of strategies you could adopt to achieve your goals.
By the end of Step 4, you will have created a sold plan, so you know exactly what is happening, when it will happen, and how (and you’ll also learn how to handle things when things DON’T go to plan).

Finally you are leading something that you believe in and you are seeing results. In this final step, we will ensure you know how to maximise those results by being someone who inspires those around them.
The step will provide you with effective leadership strategies, that will ensure not only that you implement your plan effectively with your team, but that you also inspire people around you to get involved, take action, and become leaders themselves.
By the end of Step 6, you will feel confident in your ability to lead, and you will have realised your true power as someone who can affect change in the world.
"This program shows people how to make a difference in the world."
Before this program, I knew I had a purpose, I just didn’t know how to use it, how to find it, how to fulfil that. Working with Shannen has shown me this, and I now see a bright path ahead of me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

- Kaya
THESE Awesome Bonuses
Private Community
$297 Value
When you join ‘Become a Change Leader’, you’ll get to hang out with hundreds of young people from all over the world that are part of our private online community hosted on the Mighty Networks free app.
Exchange feedback, gain encouragement, and learn about what young people are doing all over the world to make a positive change.

Live Events

$197 Value
Each month, you will have an opportunity to meet live with your peers to make social connections, and to talk shop with young people who are also working on change making projects.
In addition to the PRICELESS feedback you’ll be getting from your peers, I’ll personally be holding live Q&As inside our private community on a regular, ongoing basis. This is a chance to get your most pressing questions answered and feedback directly from me!
Face your Fears
$147 Value
A training on how to dismantle the fears that keep you from taking action on what matters to you most.
Even though you may have the best of intentions to take action on something that matters to you, fear can get in our way so that we never move forward.
In this masterclass, you will learn to face your fears and move past them, so you are able to realise your dreams.


$97 Value
In this awesome bonus, get a guide filled with 10 awesome fundraising initiatives that hundreds of students have been successful with, spelled out with a step-by-step process that shows you exactly how to succeed.
These initiatives are both scalable and repeatable, so wether your goal is $500 or $50,000, these fundraising initiatives have been carefully selected to can make your goals possible, regardless of how big or small they are.
Achieving Balance
$97 Value
A workshop to help you maximize your success by creating balance.
In this fantastic workshop, get clear on where a lack of balance is affecting your life, and the actions you can take to ensure you are setting yourself up to be as successful as possible in all areas of your life.
Gain energy, reduce stress, have more time for the things that are most important to you, and put yourself in a position to reach your potential.

So How much does it cost?
When you enroll TODAY, you will be able to access:
The proven ‘Become a Change Leader’ step-by-step program (value $1,997)
The ‘Young Leaders of Change’ private online community (value $297)
Monthly Social Meet-Ups and Live Q&A with Shannen (value $197)
Conquering your Fears Masterclass (value $147)
A Guide to Effective Fundraising Initiatives for Youth ($97)
Achieving Balance Workshop ($97)
Whip Out That Calculator- that’s a Total Value of $2,832
You can shake off the shock, because I’m not charging anywhere near that to ensure you become a better version of yourself and make a positive impact in the world.
I want this program to be accessible to everyone who cares about injustice, who cares about the planet, from beginners with a dream to change makers with experience. If you’re ready not only to become on sintering leader, and to make a difference in the world, you’re in the right place.
Because I’m passionate about helping you become a powerful young person who can stand for what you believe in, you can get ‘Become a Change Leader’ for just …
Pay Up Front in FULL
Bite Size Payment Plan
And a feel good extra...
For a limited time only
100% of your payment will support girls living in extreme poverty to become leaders.

Yes that’s right… for a very limited time your payment will go directly to Create Change Foundation, (our sister entity), a registered grassroots charity that works in Ghana to support girls living in poverty to become leaders through education, training and opportunity.
A RIDICULOUS "TRY It, Test It, Apply It"
If you’re on the fence, or if you are skeptical about buying into a random program online… then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put ‘Become a Change Leader” into action and experience how easy and exciting it can be to actually stand as a leader, and witness the impact you can have on the world.
That’s why I’m giving you a full 2 MONTHS to go through the training, keep up with the lessons, implement the systems, participate in our online community, and watch yourself transform into a leader.
I’m SO confident that if you implement what you learn inside ‘Become a Change Leader’ you will benefit in all kinds of unexpected ways. The only thing you have to do is suspend your disbelief and give it a chance. You have nothing to lose!
For more details click here.

"Joining this program was a first step in altering my life in an amazing way. I joined so I could learn to impact others, and to train to be a leader. This leadership training changed my life, and is now part of who I am."
- ariBA

"Before working with Shannen, I didn't know I could really grow my leadership skills. At times I was definitely afraid that no one would want to join me in working towards some of the goals set forth by the program - but before I knew it, my team had 20+ members!"

"This program is about helping you get better so you can help others. The impacts of this program affects so many parts of your life. Shannen and this program is one of the main reason I have been able to reach my goals and become someone I am so proud of."

"Because of working with Shannen, with no previous experience I raised $2000 in six weeks, and became a more confident speaker after leading team meetings. Being in the spotlight was nerve wracking but I eventually became comfortable. I’m incredibly proud of myself!"

"My favourite part of the program was getting to know my fellow change makers. I felt empowered and motivated by these amazing people, and it gave me so much hope that we can all come together now and make the world a better place for future generations."
- Amreet

"It was amazing to work with Shannen! She gave me a new perspective every week. You can tell she is incredibly passionate about what she is doing. She was very understanding and pushes you to believe in yourself."
on the Fence?
Let Me Tell you More About Me

For my entire life, I have been passionate about justice. For all people, for children, for nature, for the planet.
I have a BA in International Development, and a Masters degree in Human Rights. For the past 15 years I have run a grassroots organization West Africa, where I worked directly with people living in poverty to design programs they could eventually lead themselves.
I am also a certified youth and mindset coach, and it has taken me a decade of working with hundreds of young people who are passionate about making a difference, to create the ‘Becoming a Change Leader’ framework that I am offering you today.
I am truly excited to have you join the Create Change Academy family, and to get started on your journey to make the world a better place.
Still have questions?
Take a look at our FAQs here
What day and time do I need to be available to participate?The program is designed to be flexible and fit in your busy schedule. Each week, a new module is released. We recommend that you try to keep up with each step so you are working alongside other students, but you can also go at your own pace. Classes are pre-recorded so you can watch them on your own time. All live events are recorded so if you can't make them, you can watch them afterward.
How many hours every week will I be scheduling in to reach my goals as a leader?Become a Change Leader is a self-paced implementation program, meaning you can work as many or as little hours as your schedule allows. A good rule of thumb would be an hour per week watching the lessons, and another 2 putting them into action for about 8 weeks. But here’s the thing… As you’ll find, Become a Change Leader is designed for rapid implementation and sustainable momentum. Meaning, as you stack up the wins and start seeing the results of your action each week… You’ll WANT to keep going. You’ll WANT to speed through Become a Change Leader as quickly as you can. You’ll WANT to work alongside the community of other young people who are working to achieve the same growth and impact that you are. You'll WANT to keeping taking action as you realize that you are capable of having an real impact. Because as you’ll soon see, becoming a leader of change and having an impact is something you will want to make time for when you have the simple steps laid out before you that it makes it so easy, and when you start to see the amazing power you hold to make the world a better place.
Is this for beginners? What if I've never done anything like this before?Become a Change Leader is a foundational program. It’s for teens and young adults who are just getting started with their leadership journeys AS WELL as seasoned leaders who are looking to improve their leadership and expand their team and/or impact. If you have zero leadership experience or don't even know what cause you want to stand for right now — don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Included in the program is a module to help clarify your vision, which is helpful for those who don't know the cause they want to get started with, as well as to help existing leaders to become extra clear on their impact goals so they know exactly where they should be spending their time and energy. So, unless you already feel that you have your leadership nailed down, and are having the impact that you always dreamed of, then Become a Change Leader will be a foundational step in your leadership journey.
I really want to do this - but I’m afraid I’ll get overwhelmed and won't have what it takes.Firstly, let's address “overwhelm”. Overwhelm happens when you don’t have an actionable, easy to follow, proven guide to follow. I created Become a Change Leader to combat overwhelm, because the steps to take are so clear and simple to follow to ensure you don't get overwhelmed. Not everything is thrown at you at once- rather you work on one simple step each week to get you closer to leading and having an impact. You’re going to follow the super detailed, step-by-step implementation lessons, and gradually become an inspiring leader using tools and strategies that work. As long as you are willing to do the work and follow the steps, I promise to keep you on track and free from overwhelm.
I’ve seen leadership courses for $1,000 or even $2,000. Is Become a Change Leader a "lighter" version of those?"Nope. I’ve seen them too. And it makes no sense to me. When programs are so expensive, they are out of reach for most young people, at a time when the world truly needs everyone to get involved and to stand up. That’s why with Become a Change Leader, I want to give you a comprehensive program so you have EVERYTHING you need to allow you to actually take action and lead, not just learn about it but do it. If anything, Become a Change Leader is a more comprehensive, up-to-date, and easy to follow implementation program than the ones that sell for 3-5X the price.
What's the return policy?I’m 100% committed to Become a Change Leader offering you the support, guidance and community that you need to take action in real life, and as you do to grow your confidence, build your skills, and realize the difference you can make in the world. If you are committed to actually taking steps in the real world (don't worry... I will be right by your side as you get started!), based on the simple step-by-step process provided for you — then I promise you, you WILL succeed in Become a Change Leader. And if you can show me that you’ve gone through the steps, did the work, and still don’t feel that you have the foundation in place you need to take action for the causes you are passionate about, then I insist that you reach out within 60 days to get 100% of your investment back. For more information, please refer to our return policy here.
What if I don’t know what cause I want to lead change for?No worries, this is all part of the program! As long as you are looking to grow your confidence, develop relevant skills, learn how to take action, get experience leading, and become part of a community of young people who want to make a difference, this program is for you. Included in the program is a module to help clarify your vision, where we go into detail about selecting the cause you want to get started with. I say 'get started with', because the fantastic thing about this program is the steps you learn can be applied to every single cause you want to lead change for throughout your life.
Do I need to build a team myself in order for this program to be useful?The program is designed to help you become an inspiring leader, so we do recommend building a team that you can actually lead. That being said, if you decide that you don't want to build a team, the program will absolutely still be useful, and most of the lessons in each module are applicable even if you decided to simply volunteer with an existing organization.
Do I have a limited amount of time to access this program?You have lifetime access! All of the Become a Change Leader is available via the Mighty Networks App, so you have access to the content whenever, wherever.
So If You've Been dreaming of making a difference in the world for a while...
It's Time to Join 'Become a Change Leader' and

Live more positively, confidently, and free of fear. Learn to believe in yourself, and your ability to create change.

Develop skills
Gain a ton of professional skills you can put on your CV, but also real life experience putting them into practice.

Become a Leader
Get valuable experience building a team, engaging your community, and inspiring them to take action with you.

Have An Impact
With the action you now know how to take, make a tangible difference and realise your power to change the world.

Take no risk as you have a full 2 months to tray out the program, and if it doesn’t deliver, get a refund.

All of your payment will go directly to support girls living in poverty to become leaders in Ghana.

Share your plan to make a difference through your participation in the program, and fundraise for the program fee.
The only thing you need to figure out at this point is how you are going to feel when you look a the impact you have had.
Because when you sign up for the ‘Become a Leader of Change’, Program and start putting the proven steps to work, you will become a more confident version of yourself, who knows exactly how to bring people together to do something meaningful.